
P3 Final Animation

This is my final finished product of my animation.Overall I think I done well and achieved what I wanted to achieve. During the process of putting the animation together I didn't really encounter too many problems in After Effects and if I did I managed to overcome them by thinking creatively and doing things my way.

P3 Animation Documentation

Asset Log Sheet
These are all my Asset log sheets which shows the elements that were included to make my two minute animation.

P3 Process and Equipment Set Up

Software Used
Adobe Photoshop - Used this software to make the gif of the bird flying. I also made the textures in photoshop as it is image based software.

Adobe After Effects - This is where everything came together. All of the objects where put to video in this software as it is video based software.

Making the flying bird
To make the bird I used Adobe Photoshop as it allows me to create GIF animations. I started it off by making a new file and framing it 800 by 800 pixels. This was the right size as I might need to resize it too a smaller size later on and didn't want it to pixelate.

Before I could make an animation I needed to add on the timeline window which would allow me to make frames which would make it an animation.

Each frame is each layer I select to be shown. In this instance I had four layers which means 4 frames going at 0.1 second. I chose this speed as it  would make the bird seem fluent in his flying.


Putting everything together
To put everything together I used Adobe After Effects as this allowed me to make multiple compositions to put everything together.

Firstly in After Effects I made a composition which would maintain all the files that are needed to make the animation.The composition is made to 1280 by 720 pixels at 25 frames a second. I could allow myself to make my animation at 25 frames a second because I was working with keyframes.

This is the timeline of my finished work. The Yellow numbers show where each part of animation came in and out. As you see everything is color coded as it makes it easier for me to know what is what. I don't like naming every single thing as I know what is what from the colours anyway. 
This is the key frames used for the Sun object to control it's position in the animation. When I set a key frame the After Effects animation fills in the gaps where the sun is moving to make it look smooth.

Equipment and Set Up

This was my setup I used a Wacom Bamboo Tablet to draw my birds and objects and to put everything together I used my Windows PC with Adobe After Effects.

P3 Improvements for the Final Version

Final Improvements for the Final Animation

  • Add extra shapes to make it more abstract
  • Make the build up of the track more abstract 
  • Take out parts of the animation that don't fit in with the style.

P3 Animation Test 2

For my test 2 I added more textures and more shapes to give more depth to my animation.

Even though the current test seems fine I want to give it a more abstract look as it seems to lack action at the moment.

Possible additions : 

Rough version of a bird flying shown from above.

Good Things :

  • Good Texture 
  • Good Landscape

Need improving : 
  • Needs more movement
  • Needs to be more abstract
  • Maybe the bird needs to morph

P3 Animation Test 1

My first testing out the animation.

The animation seems to be having a good start and seems promising however lacks texture and depth for my liking . I will need to make sure I will add these elements to make sure everything looks up to a good standard.

Good things :

  • The bird and the sun seem to fit in well and have a fluent movement.
  • The landscape seems minimal which is the style I wanted to get.

Bad Things :

  • Lacks detail such as texture which would be able to add more detail and depth to the animation.
  • Bird needs more movement and maybe needs to morph into another shape or object.

P3 Storyboard

P3 Script/Written Interpretation


In my animation there will be no dialogue because it is a music video for a dance track.


The story will have a bird flying through different time, space and environment. I wanted to use a bird because it is normally symbolized with freedom which what I want the video to show to the audience. The bird will be flying through different environments to show change and to show that the bird is searching for freedom however at the start and at the end of the video he comes back to the same space which portrays the message that wherever you really go there will be no freedom.

This is the timeline of the animation to show what parts are at what time in the animation.

P3 Initial Planning

Form - Music video for a house track "Million by Moz5a"

Animation Type  - 2D Animation 

Genre : Abstract

Length : 2 to 3 minutes 

Storyline - For the music video the story line will be abstract which means it will look quite simple but will have a deeper meaning. The video will have a bird flying through different time, space and environment. I wanted to use a bird because it is normally symbolized with freedom which what I want the video to show to the audience. The bird will be flying through different environments to show change and to show that the bird is searching for freedom however at the start and at the end of the video he comes back to the same space which portrays the message that wherever you really go there will be no freedom.
The track is named ‘Million’ shorter for the phrase ‘Million ways to freedom’ which has also links with the message of freedom and the bird.